In Medieval Crack, the collective Foulles is looking for queer gaps in medieval history, crevices through which other stories, identities and dances can emerge. Attempting to reclaim time and history, the collective gleans the relics and representations of those times as a means of emancipation. For yes indeed, the Middle Ages, too, had their happy days of freedom and enlightenment.
With the help of historian Clovis Maillet, author of the book Les Genres fluides. De Jeanne d’Arc aux saintes trans, the collective questions the semantic shifts that have occurred in the mapping of our bodies. The result is a gaily diverse and unruly fresco.

by Collectif Foulles


Concept, choreography collectif Foulles (Collin Cabanis, Auguste de Boursetty, Délia Krayenbühl, Emma Saba, Fabio Zoppelli)
Performance Collin Cabanis, Auguste de Boursetty, Delia Krayenbühl, Clovis Maillet, Fabio Zoppelli
Musical editing Nygel Panasco
Medieval referent Clovis Maillet
Production and diffusion Maxine Devaud & Émilien Rossier / oh la la - performing arts production
Administration Angie Menillo / oh la la - performing arts production
Co-production Belluard Bollwerk
Supports Canton de Fribourg, Loterie Romande, Schweizeriche Interpretenstiftung SIS, PREMIO - Prix d’encouragement pour les arts de la scène with the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, the Ernst Göhner Foundation and the Migros Culture Percentage
