Emma is a dancer and choreographer.
Born and raised in Italy, Emma did classical music studies at the Conservatorio G.B. Martini in Bologna, before graduating in 2021 from La Manufacture - Haute Ecole des arts de la scene in Lausanne.
Since her teenage years, she has been working with the Italian company Collettivo Cinetico / Francesca Pennini, and in more recent times with choreographers Clara Delorme, Cosima Grand and Marie Jeger and with the visual artist and clown Merlene Charpentier.
She’s part of Collectif Foulles, a dance collective founded in 2019 by Auguste de Boursetty, Collin Cabanis, Délia Krayenbhül and Fabio Zoppelli. Emma joined the collective in 2022, on the run to Medieval Crack, a piece created for the Belluard Bollwerk International Festival in 2022 (second prize Premio 2022). At the moment the collective is working on their new piece Le cerveau mou de l’existence, which will premiere in April in La Grange - UNIL in Lausanne.
La fine di tutte le cose / l’inizio di tutte le altre is her first work as a choreographer. Co-produced by Emergentia 2022, it premiered in Pavillon ADC in November 2022, and was then invited to the 25th anniversary of Festival Artdanthé au Théâtre de Vanves (Paris), Roxy Birsfelden (Basel) and Festival Gogogo at Théâtre du Grütli (Geneva).