Image from Antigone Exp. N°2 Image from Antigone Exp. N°2
Image from Antigone Exp. N°2

Antigone, an icon of civil disobedience and self-determination, is the starting point of this creation which questions the phenomena and mechanisms of influence and mobilization of the masses. How to interpret law and justice? Where does individual responsibility begin? AGORA works at the interface of theater, music and digital media and invites the audience to an augmented reality experience in which the ensemble LUX:NM enriches Traetta’s baroque composition with contemporary and electronic sounds. The spectators are immersed in the universe of Antigone and oscillate between reality and virtuality.



Concept, direction, set design, dramaturgy AGORA (Benjamin David, Anna Brunnlechner, Valentin Köhler, Jana Beckmann)
Music ensemble LUX:NM
Arrangement Markus Syperek
Antigone Lisa Tatin
Creon Joshua Stewart
Choral direction Dominique Tille & Charlotte Thibaud-Moussouli (Lausanne), Marco Beltrani & Samuel Strub (Basel)
Choirs Voix de Lausanne, pourChoeur
Correpetition Émilie Roulet
Technical direction, lights Éric Mutel
Camera Bastien Genoux, Robjan Lacombe
Digital technology VOGO
Programming Luciano Pinna
Animation, 3D objects Simon Ott
Production Maxine Devaud / Maxinthewood Productions (CH), Regina Stöberl (A)
Support Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, Pro Helvetia, Loterie Romande, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Ville de Lausanne, DVDIM Immobilier
